Massage Therapy
Therapeutic massage uses different techniques that targets specific muscle areas, fascia, and joints of our patients’ body. Integrating therapeutic massage into our patient’s treatment plan can help optimize their physical therapy rehabilitation and help expedite their recovery process.
Who can benefit from Massage Therapy?
Both our pediatric and geriatric patients can benefit from massage therapy. Massage therapy can help our patients with the following conditions but not limited to:
- Upper, Low-Back Pain
- Arthritis
- Neck and Shoulder Pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Osteoarthritis Pain
- Postural Problems
- Headaches
- Limited Mobility
- Sports Injuries
- Sciatica
A common massage technique that we use is a deep tissue massage. Deep tissue massage not only increases blood flow but it can also promote muscle relaxation as it targets deeper layers of muscles and the connective tissues surrounding the muscle. This in turn improves our patient’s overall mood as it provides them a sense of relaxation.
The type of massages will vary depending on our patient’s conditions. Patients who receive massages are proven to have an accelerated rate of healing, show a decrease in inflammation and swelling, see a noticeable improvement in their range of motion and overall have reduced pain.
Contact us today to see how we can integrate massage therapy into your treatment plan to help you recover faster and get you to a healthier you!
Our contact forms are open to any questions you may have for your physical therapy needs or other treatment options for your condition.
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to see what questions most of our patients ask.
Call Us Today
For all general inquiries please call (915) 584-5683 WEST location / (915) 600-5020 EAST location, or fill in our Contact Us form.
Paloma Wellness and Rehabilitation West
612 N Resler Dr. Suite A, El Paso, TX, 79912
Fax: (915)584-5657
Paloma Wellness and Rehabilitation East
1188 N. Yarbrough Dr. Suite S, El Paso, TX, 79925
Fax: (915)584-5657
Office HOURS
Monday- Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM