E-Visit / Telehealth – Patient FAQ
Before Your Virtual Visit With Us
- For a more pleasant experience during your e-visit with us:
- Please make sure that your area has adequate lighting
- Please remove any possible obstacles or clear out your exercise area of any hazardous objects during your session with us
- Make sure that you have a stable connection to the internet.
- Make sure you have a camera, microphone and speaker available.
- Make sure you are able to leave your device hands free for you to be able to follow the instructions our therapist gives you.
- How do I get the invitation for the video chat?
- We will be providing the link via email, text message or just follow the link we have provided on our website
- To Enable camera and microphone
- For Safari (mobile/tablet)
- For Safari (desktop)
- For Chrome (desktop)
- For Chrome (mobile/tablet)
- For Firefox (desktop)
- For Firefox (mobile/desktop)
- For Edge (desktop)
- For Edge (mobile)
- For Samsung (mobile)
- Operating Systems
- Devices
- For a more comprehensive outline of troubleshooting guides click here
- Please give us a call regarding any questions you may have and we’ll gladly help you.
Our facility is taking every precautionary measures regarding hygiene and cleaning protocols for the safety of our patients and our staff. We thank you for your cooperation during these times.
Wishing you the best of health and wellness,
Your Paloma Wellness and Rehabilitation Team
Company Information
Paloma Wellness and Rehabilitation PLLC
612 N. Resler Dr. Ste. A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 584-5683
(915) 584-5657
Contact Us